hours by appointment - Emergencies at any time - 24-hour answering service All
major insurance plans accepted.
addition to intestinal problems that must be corrected at birth to allow an
infant to eat and survive, there are others that can cause problems later in
life. Among these are emergency problems, such as appendicitis, and problems
resulting from abnormalities of development such as abnormal alignment of the
intestine which can allow it to twist later in childhood. The intestine can
telescope, one section into the next; this process, known as intussusception,
sometimes follows a virus infection, especially an intestinal virus. Dr. Liebert
was one of the first pediatric surgeons to recognize the connection between
administration of the rotovirus vaccine and the incidence of intussusception
in young infants; as a result, the vaccine has been removed from use in this
country. Many intestinal problems in children are difficult to diagnose; a pediatric
surgeon must be an astute diagnostician, not just technically competent in the
operating room.